Chronicles of Never

Founded by Australian designer Gareth Moody in 2006, this new eclectic company puts a new spin on fashion. Moody himself once stated "I don't do chic", and he was exactly right when he said that. Chronicles of Never's lines are based on the fantasy world; one dotted with old gnarled trees and skeleton keys. It seems quite odd, but it does account for the wondrous clothing.

So if the inspiration for his numerous lines don't come from the pages of Vogue like most designers, then where does it derive? Neverland. Yes, you read that correctly. You're probably wondering what this clothing looks like, but I don't think it can even be categorized. Let's just say it's kinda like refined MC Hammer parachute pants meet gritty fashion, or something along those lines. But it truly doesn't matter because, bottom line, their clothes are divine.

People Eater Purple Track Pant. Pocket Singlet and Neo Shoes.

Stripe Gusset singlet and People Eaters Purple Track Pant. Chronicles of Never Ring and Bracelet.

Cotton Blazer with Double Diamond Cotton Trousers.

White Pocket Singlet and Double Diamond Crotch Wool Pant.

Double Scarf over Joker Vest. Extra long hooded shirt; X Long Hood.


Anonymous said...

Wow. That is quite wonderful... and mysterious. I love it

Andy said...

wow. i love this post ! : )
and hum, i loooooooooove your blog so im gonna link you ! hihi.
xxx Andy.